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Series 2 - Lesson 5 - Annotation 7

Series 2 - Lesson 5 - Annotation 7

Why is it Important to make the right use of the power of the mind to deny and to affirm?

7. It is important that we make the right use of our power to affirm and to deny because the results that we will experience in our life depend on this.

Essentially man is all that God is, and has the same freedom. We have Scriptural authority that man is created in the image and after the likeness of God. All the God qualities are ours to use; there is nothing but God, so we have only God-substance as the material with which to work or build. This substance is perfect, but we have been given freedom in the way we combine the ideas that mold substance. We may use ideas in any way we choose. However, it is the wrong use, or our inability to rightly combine the God-ideas, that brings forth imperfect or inharmonious results. Charles Fillmore has this to say:

"Man cannot corrupt the inherent purity of any of God's attributes, but he can unwisely combine them in states of consciousness that bring dissatisfaction and incompleteness to him" (The Twelve Powers of Man 131-32).

In order to make the right use of our power to deny and to affirm, we must understand what qualities or ideas we desire to make active; how to combine them in right relation, and thus express them righteously. Heretofore, we have thoughtlessly denied our divinity, our Godlikeness, our good, and have ignorantly affirmed weakness, poverty, ignorance, limitation of various kinds. Now this must be changed. We must deny or disclaim that which we do not wish to manifest, and claim or affirm that which we wish to demonstrate in our life. In this way we are being wise in the right use of the creative power that is within us as our formative power of thought.

Preceding Entry: Are specific denials always necessary?
Following Entry: What have affirmations to do with making thoughts substantial (establishing faith) in consciousness?