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Series 1 - Lesson 5 - Annotation 6

Series 1 - Lesson 5 - Annotation 6

What is the Christ consciousness?

6. The Christ consciousness is the Son of God consciousness in man, the state of consciousness in which the soul and the body are in harmony with Divine Mind, the Father, and all ideas and all faculties are in orderly adjustment and expressing in right relationship. It is man's supreme awareness of the pattern of perfection, I AM, the Christ, the Image, the Son of God. The Christ consciousness is God consciousness expressed in, by, and through manifest spiritual man, His Son. The Christ consciousness is God's ideal for man. The Christ consciousness in the individual is the Church of Christ, or the Lord's Body, the body or aggregation of Christed Ideas. It is the Truth-filled consciousness that sees things from their beginning in cause; it therefore sees only one Being, sees only Absolute Good. Spirit creates by self-contemplation; sees only itself. This idea of the oneness of Being is the Logos, the active agent in creation, identified in man as I AM, the Christ. The Christ consciousness is man's knowing within his own being that he is a Son of God; that "I and the Father are one." — John 10:30. This consciousness man establishes by recognizing God as the presence and power of creation. Jesus knew Himself as the Son of God, with all that this tremendous conception implies. By recognizing God and only God His Sonship became the dominating factor of His life. When man understands this so that he uses the Christ power, ordering his life and modes of thought by it, he is going toward the Christ consciousness. When under the many forms and varied manifestations of the world he recognizes the one life vibrant in every atom, recognizes the hidden love infolding all in oneness, he comes into conscious touch with this hidden life and love. Then he feels himself to be one with all life; then he touches the Christ consciousness. No longer does he seek to fight "forms" with which he does not feel in harmony. Instead he seeks contact with the life behind the form, and as a result the outer becomes "attuned" or ceases to touch him.

Preceding Entry: What is the carnal mind? What other names are given to it?
Following Entry: What is overcoming?