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Series 1 - Lesson 5 - Annotation 20

Series 1 - Lesson 5 - Annotation 20

What changes take place in a man's conversation when he becomes an overcomer?

20. Man's conversation, like his thoughts, is established in heaven when he becomes an overcomer. "The kingdom of heaven is the orderly adjustment of divine ideas in man's mind and body." -- Metaphysical Bible Dictionary 387. He does not desire to talk of limitation, negation, inharmony, disorder, imperfection, for he is interested in Principle and its working. His conversation will no longer feature criticism and adversity but praise and blessings; he will not dwell on aches and pains but on the joys of living. He is strong and reliant; his attitude toward the weak is heartening and toward all others inspiring. One who has learned that he makes his own conditions by his thoughts and words will not talk about anything that he does not want to see manifested. His conversation will be of the good he is seeking and expecting. Dwelling on the bright side of life, he will always strike a constructive, buoyant note.

Preceding Entry: What work will each overcomer do for the world? How will he accomplish this work?
Following Entry: What is meant by "demonstration" in Truth study?