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Series 1 - Lesson 3 - Annotation 4

Series 1 - Lesson 3 - Annotation 4

What relation does divine substance bear to man's supply?

4. Divine substance is the basis of man's supply, whether he is aware of it or not. Substance is the source, the great reservoir of unexpressed good in the form of divine ideas. These ideas are the spiritual patterns that when rightly used will mold the substance to produce man's supply as food, shelter, employment, success, harmony, health, any good he desires. (See Lessons in Truth Lesson 2 Annotation 7.)

Man is a channel through which the blessings (ideas) of God may flow; but he does not become a truly effective channel until he has received the revelation of himself as a son of God, heir to the ideas that make up divine substance. Man's health, happiness, abundance -- his supply of all good -- are related so directly to divine substance that any attempt to gain them in any other way results in failure. All the unhappiness that mankind suffers comes from man's belief in supply as being separate from him, and obtainable only outside of himself. When man realizes that divine substance is the only basis for his supply, he then begins to claim that which is his by divine right. He learns to use his faculty of imagination to form a "mental equivalent" of the good he desires. His supply, whether it be some good for mind, body, or affairs, is then attracted to him through the action of his own mind moving upon substance. Man makes the choice as to the manner in which he will combine divine ideas and divine substance. If he allows himself to be guided by God, then he will build the right "mental equivalents" to bring forth his supply of good.

Preceding Entry: What is matter? What is the distinction between substance and matter?
Following Entry: Explain the meaning of the Scripture, "Seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matt. 6:33).