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How I Used Truth - Lesson 1 - Annotation 8

How I Used Truth - Lesson 1 - Annotation 8

What is the difference between a "reflection of God" and an "expression of God"?

8. The difference between a "reflection of God" and an "expression of God" lies in the life or action. A reflection is only the picture of the subject, while an expression is the actual nature or character of the subject.

If one looks into a mirror his person is reflected. While this reflection resembles him, there is no substance, life, intelligence, power, or any other quality in the reflection itself. On the other hand, an expression is the actual "pressing out" (ex meaning out, and premere meaning to press). Thus man as an "expression of God" is God coming forth through man as life, substance, intelligence. All the qualities that make up the God-nature are "pressed out" into manifestation. Because God is life, then, an "expression of God" is constant action, not just a reflection that has no animation of itself.

One who seeks to know about God's laws as laid down in the scriptures will follow merely the letter of Jesus' teachings. With a sense of separation he puts himself in the category of being a "reflection of God," expecting something to be done to him. However, the individual who seeks to know God intimately, consciously, becomes aware of his oneness with God. He realizes that he is, therefore, the very nature of God coming into manifestation. He does not believe that any good just happens to him, but rather he knows that it comes from God through him.

When we come to the place of recognizing the inner divine Presence, we not only think that God's power is our power, but we actually feel it expressing through us. When we realize that we are actually the "expression of God" then we can say with conviction, "Wherever I am, God is." We have come to know that we have no existence apart from God.

When understanding comes to us that we are more than a "reflection of God," that we are the actual expression of the One we call Father, we build the faith which knows that any situation in life can be met and overcome. We know beyond the shadow of a doubt that our salvation is our spiritual nature "expressed," not merely "reflected." We are struck with the full force of our responsibility as co-worker with God, The bringing forth of His plan in the manifest realm becomes an exciting challenge to us.

What Jesus claimed for Himself He claimed for every man, and Charles Fillmore says on page 9 of Jesus Christ Heals (Jesus Christ Heals 9):

"Jesus saw in Himself the perfect pattern of the God-Mind. He lived so close to that pattern that He became its perfect expression."

We can say for ourselves, "I am a reflection of the radiant life of God." As we say this and think of the words we will find that we look outside ourselves. If we say, "I am the radiant life of God," there is a definite change. We achieve with this latter statement a much richer conviction, not only of God as radiant life, but of ourselves as the actual expression of that life. We are speaking from the center of our being to the circumference, and this create a forcible impression of the majesty and power of ourselves as God's son!

Preceding Entry: What could be considered the distinction between a Christian life (as popularly accepted) and a Christ life?
Following Entry: Explain fully the "will of God."